
First Blog

I have been meaning to start blogging for a while but never got around to it. Usually absence of the Internet has been my excuse, but now this excuse has been stripped from me. I give the credit to (lay the blame at the feet of) my Benny's GF: Natalie. She suggested that I start blogging because some of my rants can be rather funny, when they aren't outright offensive or creepily bizarre. I blame the alcohol.

So that brings me to this, my first topic. Well, i don't actually have a topic yet. I hope to have one, though, by the end of this post. I actually intend to just type any damn thing that comes to mind. I think that the best conversations are begat by the tangents which have been spewed forth from rather useless conversations, so I will now transfer my long time habits of tangential speaking and run on sentences to the written word.

You know, there of plenty of better things i could be doing right now, rather than sitting on an orange couch in my pajamas typing away at this computer. I could be doing the dishes which are beginning to take on the miasmatic odour of a Bosnian mass grave. Perhaps I could go down stairs and paint the legions of pewter army men which I count amongst my friends only because women don't like spending time with me. But, no. I am sitting here typing on my computer, starting sentences with the word 'but', which by the way is improper English, and I have to ask myself why. Why? Maybe it is because of the everlasting qualities of the written word. Yes, writing can make you immortal. Just ask Homer. just another blind Greek poet, living in the shadows of the once great Mycenaean civilization. If it were not for his verbose and loquacious poems he would have been forgotten withing a generation. Maybe sooner.

Do I write here so that my words may be remembered forever and ever? That I may cheat death through my musings? That I may be remembered alongside Homer and Shakespeare? Alas, no. I am doing this because there is nothing better to do right now at 21:53 on a Tuesday night. I am writing because I would rather circumcise myself than do the dishes. Maybe tomorrow I will write again, or maybe this blog will fade into oblivion like most of the projects I have started over the years. Who knows, only time will tell.